
The Delusion Of Marriage

In the romantic haze leading up to a wedding, it can be easy for couples to overlook some of the more challenging aspects of their relationship. The excitement of planning a life together, the thrill of finding the perfect venue, and hiring the ideal wedding photographer can sometimes overshadow underlying issues that, if unaddressed, could later become significant problems. While a wedding is often seen as the ultimate declaration of love, it's crucial to recognise that it does not magically resolve existing relationship struggles.

The illusion of transformation

The notion that marriage will transform a relationship is a common misconception. Many couples believe that tying the knot will somehow strengthen their bond and resolve lingering conflicts. However, the reality is that marriage is a commitment that builds on the existing foundation of a relationship. If that foundation is unstable due to unresolved issues, getting married will not change that. In fact, it might exacerbate the problem since marriage often adds stressors such as financial responsibilities, family dynamics, and lifestyle adjustments.

Wedding planning as a distraction

Planning a wedding can be an exciting and immersive experience, but it can also serve as a temporary distraction from deeper relationship problems. Couples might become so preoccupied with seeking out wedding photographers, choosing the venue, and organising the guest list that they overlook the need to address fundamental issues in their relationship. This focus on creating a perfect wedding day can often result in neglecting the necessary emotional work that a healthy relationship requires.

The pressure to conform to societal expectations

Society often places immense pressure on couples to follow the traditional path of marriage. This can lead some individuals to believe that marriage is a necessary step, even if their relationship is not ready for that level of commitment. The involvement of friends and family, coupled with societal expectations, can make it difficult for couples to step back and assess whether marriage is genuinely the right decision for them. Instead of evaluating their compatibility and long-term goals, they may feel compelled to proceed with the wedding to meet external expectations.

Post-wedding reality check

After the wedding festivities are over, couples face the reality of married life. This is often when unaddressed relationship issues resurface and demand attention. The honeymoon phase, often short-lived, might give way to the challenges of everyday life. Couples may find themselves dealing with the same problems they had before marriage, only now with added marital pressures. It's at this stage that the importance of open communication and addressing issues becomes apparent.

The role of honest communication

Honest and open communication is the bedrock of a healthy relationship. Before deciding to get married, couples should engage in frank conversations about their expectations, goals, and any lingering concerns. Addressing issues openly allows for a more realistic assessment of the relationship's potential for success. It's important to remember that marriage is not a cure-all; rather, it's a partnership that requires ongoing effort, understanding, and compromise.

Seeking professional guidance

For couples experiencing significant challenges, seeking the help of a relationship counsellor or therapist can be invaluable. These professionals can provide tools and strategies for effective communication and conflict resolution. Couples should consider therapy as a proactive measure, not just a last resort. By addressing issues early on, they can build a stronger foundation before deciding to proceed with marriage.

While hiring a talented wedding photographer and planning a beautiful ceremony can create lasting memories, it's essential to remember that marriage itself does not solve pre-existing relationship problems. Couples must prioritise open communication, realistic expectations, and a willingness to work on their relationship. By doing so, they can ensure that their commitment to each other is built on a stable foundation, leading to a healthier and happier partnership in the years to come.