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The Delusion Of Marriage

In the romantic haze leading up to a wedding, it can be easy for couples to overlook some of the more challenging aspects of their...



Escaping a Toxic Situation

In today's fast-paced world, relationships can be both a source of joy and stress. While being in a loving relationship can bring immense happiness, staying...



When Trust Is Compromised

Relationships are built on trust, but when that trust is compromised, it can lead to significant emotional turmoil. If you have a gut feeling that...



A Journey to Self-Healing

Recovering from a bad relationship is often a difficult and emotional journey, one that requires time, self-reflection, and a strong will to heal and move...



Relationship Red Flags

Relationships are often complex, regularly challenging us to balance love, respect, and communication. However, there are certain warning signals, commonly known as red flags, that...



Fixing a Bad Relationship

There are those who have been raised in a family where bad relationships are tolerated, and they carry on the tradition unwittingly. They believe that...



Asserting Relationship Control

There are few people who believe they will ever be in a bad relationship, but it happens more often than people know. Many are those...



Escape From The Relationship

There are always relationships that are unequal, but the person with the most power within them does not always appear to have any. They might...



Public Dating Only

There are few people that can go for days or even weeks without speaking to another person. These people will fill in the silence with...



Interacting on a Date

Patterns are common in many types of human behavior, and becoming entangled in bad relationships can become a pattern. People often fail to realize their...



Life Without a Relationship

There are few people that want to go through life without a close and intimate relationship. Making the choice of being in a relationship that...



Sharing Good and Bad Times

There are an almost infinite number of reasons to be in a relationship. Some people want physical closeness. Other people want to have someone to...


There are many people that are in a relationship that appears to be perfect. They go out and have a good time with friends and family. Everything goes well until the two are alone. That is when things go very wrong for at least one partner. The worst part is that breaking up with this person will lead friends and family to question a person's judgment. Being firm when leaving the relationship is the only possible defense.

One of the biggest red flags of a bad relationship is when requests are made that do not seem right. A person will act normal in public, and then make ridiculous demands in private. These demands often begin with the words if you love me. After that, the person then makes a demand that is ridiculous, demeaning or even illegal. If this happens on a regular basis, it is best to recognize this is a bad relationship and end it as soon as possible.